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Hoop Shots Game Case Study

2d format basketball game on Nokia Asha platform with rich UI enabled client to expand its app portfolio across mobile platforms

Key Requirement

  • Developing different themes wherein each theme will have a unique setting featuring attributes such as the jungle theme having forest like elements
  • Requirement of the ball motion physics to be realistic
  • Coordination of the user’s swipe movement such that it would correspond with the trajectory of the ball. Know More >>

Key Contribution

  • Creating an attractive UI development was one of the major requirements
  • A record management system was incorporated to update a player’s top 5 scores automatically.
  • Extensive testing was done to check coordination between swiping gesture and ball movement, which also involved a demo amongst a focus group to obtain end user feedback. Know More >>


  • Successfully deployed the game for Nokia Ovi store and Samsung mobile apps store respectively in an aggressive time frame
  • Appreciation from notable sports authorities and veterans for showing an affinity in conceptualizing an application based on a popular game. Know More >>

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