For the best experience, try the new Microsoft Edge browser recommended by Microsoft (version 87 or above) or switch to another browser � Google Chrome / Firefox / Safari
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Development of a Hybrid Application for Image Editing

Increased user base in more than 7 different countries through a hybrid image editing application, built for a renowned image editing platform provider.

Key Requirements

  • Designing and developing a user friendly hybrid application for a completely web-based operating system
  • Implement image editing tools in Firefox OS as in earlier iOS/Android application
  • Setting up localization and internationalization (i18n).Know More >>

Key Contribution

  • Developed the application using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript to enable porting the application on any platform easily.
  • Adopted XAKF (Xoriant Application Kickstarter Framework) which is a combination of modular, pluggable, re-usable components for creating open web apps, specialized for Firefox OS app development, and also reduced the time of development drastically
  • Implemented AngularJS, Underscore and Bootstrap.js tools to provide image editing with design filters, frames, stickers and better user experience.Know More >>


  • Increased user base in more than 7 different countries and reached the Firefox OS users too
  • Reduced development time by 30% with usage of XAKF (Xoriant Application Kickstarter Framework)
  • Increased revenue through downloads from Firefox Marketplace. Know More >>

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