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Web Portal Development for Billing Management System

Extended the reach of desktop based system beyond locations from local market to global market and increased productivity of the data operators by 30% by automating data validation process.

Key Requirements

  • Provisioning of Customer, Invoice Account, Product, Aggregation, Rating, and Fees
  • Provisioning of Operator and Country prices
  • Feature to show details of import and export bulk pricing.Know More >>

Key Contribution

  • Designed and reengineered an existing legacy system into modern web based secure application
  • Developed thin JavaScript web service client for accessing the enterprise platform using Backbone.js and jQuery
  • Used Backbone JS as the framework to achieve rich UI for the web application.Know More >>


  • Reduced the recurring licensing fees by 100% since complete open source stack was used.
  • Extended the reach of the system beyond locations from local market to global market. Know More >>

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