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Client Background

  • A leading California-headquartered plant management platform provider improves yield, maximizes productivity, and ensures compliance standards for process manufacturers. Their solution drives real-time visibility and control to optimize performance across all manufacturing locations.
  • However, the solution being built on proprietary legacy technologies leads to resources being forced into extensive manual effort for data collection and processing.

Xoriant Solution | Key Contributions

  • Being the client’s chosen technology partner for over 7 years, strengthened the client’s trust in Xoriant's expert engineering team.
  • Xoriant IoT team with its quality and depth of experience in IoT and Microsoft Azure cloud designed and deployed an automated solution to solve the client's scalability problems.

Business Benefits

  • Renewed IoT solution provided scalability and cost-effectiveness.
  • Reducing costs by 30% over the existing solution.
  • Reduced operational expenditure by 60% as a result of high availability.


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