Xoriant Storage Validation Framework (XSVF)

Xoriant provides storage validation, storage certification and benchmarking as a software solution where the complicated and time-consuming task of storage validation, certification and benchmarking is automated and various interoperability and performance bottlenecks are identified. Xoriant has been involved in providing storage validation solution to customers for their mission critical and complex storage arrays deployed in complex Storage Area Network (SAN) environments thus facilitating to achieve highly robust storage arrays ready for production use.
Xoriant's storage validation and benchmarking team has developed a proprietary framework, Xoriant Storage Validation Framework (XSVF) to automate the task of storage validation and certification and do performance benchmarking to identify performance bottlenecks, reduce the time for validation and provide “shorter time-to-market”.
Xoriant Storage Validation Framework (XSVF) is made up of three components: Core components and libraries, Storage validator and Reporting layer. Core components and libraries performs major base operations for framework. Storage validator performs the complicated tasks of validating functionality of storage arrays. Reporting layer generates array performance metrics such as storage statistics, Port performance, LUN performance and RAID controller statistics.
Key Features
- Framework helps to validate and certify storage array deployed in iSCSI SAN environment
- Ability to certify and validate Network Attached Storages (NAS) appliances
- Covers all major validation and certification scenarios for storage array
- Generates detailed performance metrics corresponding to each component of storage appliance
- Framework helps to quickly identify interoperability, functional and performance bottlenecks
- Performs automated validation of advanced storage array features
- Provides accurate master reports and detailed reports
- Performs data integrity checks, fault injection and stress testing
- Performs path integrity checks, path failover and recovery tests
Key Benefits
- Reduces the overall storage validation time by 40% and simplifies the complicated validation and certification process by eliminating manual error.
- Framework generates 5 different validation reports and 4 different performance metrics which identifies functional and performance bottlenecks in the array.
- Facilitates user with detailed reports corresponding to various components of storage array
- Generates detailed performance reports
- Reduces Time to market
- Reduces leakage of bugs at the production level